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Types Of Fibroids

Alate Health -  - Interventional Radiology Clinic

Alate Health

Interventional Radiology Clinic located in Houston, TX

Any of the four types of uterine fibroids can have serious negative effects on your health and well-being. If you have fibroids, visit board-certified interventional radiologist Andrew Doe, MD, or Sandra Newberry, MD. At Alate Health in Houston, Texas, they offer expert diagnostics and treatments to end your uterine fibroid symptoms. For the best in Houston fibroids help, no matter what type of fibroids you have, call the office or use the online scheduler.

Types of Fibroids Q & A

How many types of fibroids are there?

There are four types of uterine fibroids: 

Intramural fibroids

Intramural fibroids, the most common form of uterine fibroids, grow between muscle layers within your uterus. These fibroids can occur anywhere in your uterus and may grow very large.

Submucosal fibroids

Submucosal fibroids are an uncommon form of fibroid that appears inside the inner tissue layers in your uterus. These fibroids can potentially block your fallopian tubes and cause fertility problems. Submucosal fibroids can occur in the front or back of your uterus.

Subserosal fibroids

Subserosal fibroids grow on the outer layer of your uterus. They push outwards as they grow and can pressure your other abdominal organs if they grow large enough. 

Pedunculated fibroids

Pedunculated fibroids have stalks and may resemble mushrooms. They can grow either inside or outside your uterus. 

All types of fibroids can cause problems if they continue growing. 

What are the symptoms of different types of fibroids?

In some cases, fibroids don’t cause any symptoms at all, and in other situations, they can cause crippling problems. Some specific symptoms associated with each type of uterine fibroid include:

Intramural fibroid symptoms

Intramural fibroid symptoms can include very long periods, breakthrough bleeding between menstrual periods, low back pain, bloating, and severe cramping.

Submucosal fibroid symptoms

Submucosal fibroids are often associated with fibroid bleeding, including long periods and heavy flow. Untreated submucosal fibroids may also lead to anemia and chronic fatigue.



Subserosal fibroid symptoms

Instead of heavy bleeding and long periods, subserosal fibroids often cause pelvic pain, low back pain, and urinary symptoms. That occurs when the fibroids become big enough to push against nearby organs. For example, bladder pressure leads to increased urinary urgency and frequency.


Pedunculated fibroid symptoms

Pedunculated fibroids often cause serious pelvic cramping and pain and long periods. This kind of fibroid can be especially painful if the stalk twists. 

If you regularly experience any of these fibroid symptoms, it’s important to treat the problem before it worsens. Fibroid symptoms can potentially grow incapacitating without treatment. 

How does uterine fibroid embolization treat fibroids?

Fibroid treatment once centered around invasive fibroid removal surgeries like myomectomy and hysterectomy. Alate Health offers a better alternative to invasive fibroid surgery: uterine fibroid embolization. 

Uterine fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive FDA-approved procedure that can shrink fibroids. Your specialist administers tiny plastic or gel particles through a catheter, placing them directly into the artery that’s feeding your fibroid. 

With blood supply intercepted, the fibroid shrinks, and the tumor goes away. Uterine fibroid embolization relieves fibroid symptoms in 90% of women, and it can work for all types of fibroids. 

Learn more about Houston fibroids treatments by calling Alate Health or booking a consultation online now.